Opportunities at Limestone Learning: Instructional designers and editor / quality control specialist

Opportunities at Limestone Learning: Instructional designers and editor / quality control specialist

We’re currently seeking experienced Vancouver, BC-based instructional designers and a contract editor / quality control specialist to join our growing team at Limestone Learning, to help build top-notch elearning, instructor-led training and blended solutions for our clients.

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Learning & Development Conferences for 2020

Learning & Development Conferences for 2020

[last updated July 7, 2020]

Do you feel like the year flew by? Are there any areas you want to focus on in 2020? For many L&D professionals, a conference is an opportunity to delve into a community of practice where you can see how other professionals are incorporating new innovations and tools into their work. So without further ado, here’s a roundup of upcoming conferences for 2020.

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