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UPDATE - Free Summer webinars (July and August)

Here’s an update to the Free Summer webinars blog article I posted in late June.  The following are a few additional webinars that didn’t make my original list that sound interesting. 


Friday, July 15, 10am-11am PST: Ubiquitous Learning: Next Generation Solutions for Learning Anytime, Anywhere in Any Modality

This concept taps into the reality we've been working on that allows a learner seamlessly flow through the learning experience from desktop to smartphone to tablet to TV whenever the time or mood suits them. Apps are now available on virtually every electronic device we touch and use in our daily lives, and cloud computing models enable the ability to synchronize and manage the learning experience on whatever device best suits our environment and mood.

Thursday, July 28, 10am-11am PST: Mobile Learning Basics + (Free) Mobile Learning guide

The Academic Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) mobile learning team recently released a mobile version of their mLearning guide on the web and in various platform stores.  This webinar will discuss the single development for deployment on multiple devices, the choices made and the lessons learning.

Thursday, July 28, 10am-11am PST: Driving Development and Growth with Performance Management

Join Stacey Harris, VP of Research for the Brandon Hall Group, as she shares business case examples of how organizations are driving cultures of development and performance, by focusing more on the human connections and less on process compliance. She’ll discuss the impact of enabling a culture of coaching and feedback models both on engagement and performance, and how organization are leveraging individual development plans as part of their strategic talent planning tools.



Wednesday, August 10, 10am – 11am PST: Mentoring for the 2020 Workplace

Forward-thinking companies are reinventing the meaning of mentoring and using innovative techniques to be able to scale in mass proportions to prepare for the future workplace. Based on research from the book "The 2020 Workplace" by Jeanne Meister and Karie Willyerd, this session will cover examples from companies like American Express, AT&T, and PricewaterhouseCoopers to explore how to get talent ready fast for the upcoming shifts in the workplace.

Wednesday, August 17, 10am-11am PST: Gadgets, Games and Google for Learning: How to Leverage the Latest Technologies for Learning and Performance Improvement

This session highlights how organizations are leveraging Smartphones for performance support and mobile learning, how game-based learning is being designed to teach everyone from firefighters to sales reps to call center employees and how quick searches and meta-data are changing the landscape of how employees learn and their information expectations. Join Karl Kapp, author of four books on the topic of the convergence of learning, technology and work as he explores some of the research, thinking and examples of learning technology in action.

Tuesday, August 23, 10am-11am: An Active Approach to Leadership Training

Research has shown that experiential learning is one of the most effective ways to keep participants engaged and active throughout the learning process. This webinar will explore a variety of high-impact activities, jolts, and interactive learning strategies that have been specifically chosen to teach and apply some of the most critical leadership competencies our evolving leaders need.

Tuesday, August 23, 10am-11am: The New Role of the LCMS: Enabling New Ways of Learning

Richard Nantel, co-chief executive officer at Brandon Hall Group, will discuss how today's LCMSs allow content authors and subject matter experts to collaborate on learning content and publish it to today's various computer and mobile devices. Jeff Whitney, vice president, worldwide marketing, Outstart, will describe best practices for how LCMSs are being used innovatively in real-world situations.

Also check out an earlier blog post of other free summer webinars.