The 6 hottest workplace learning trends for 2018

Plenty of elearning approaches are touted as “the next best thing,” the solution for everyone’s training woes, or that one ingredient that’s somehow missing. The fact is, we all use a combination of strategies in instructional design—there’s no one magic formula.

That’s why we like this blog post and infographic from Origin Learning. It’s a useful visual of the six workplace learning trends to watch for in 2018.


Stay tuned for more information about these learning trends in future blog posts. We’ll examine each in more detail, providing examples, tools to use, how they can be applied in the workplace and much more.

What do you think of this list of learning trends? Are there others you’d add? Are you employing these approaches now in your training? Do you want to, but aren’t sure how?

Leave a comment below or drop us a line and tell us what you’re doing in 2018.