Take advantage of free upcoming Brandon Hall webinars

I subscribe to the Brandon Hall newsletter and was recently sent information about three free upcoming webinars that sound interesting:

Wednesday, April 21st  -  New Possibilities for Mobile Learning.Join Dr. Gary Woodill as he explores this new world of mobile learning and find out how you can use it in employee training.

Wednesday, May 5th  -  Learning Management Systems: Trends and Issues. Join Tom Werner, a Brandon Hall Research senior analyst who will talk about the recent trends in learning management systems, where these trends will lead and some of the issues that LMS vendors and users face today.

Wednesday, May 12th – Collaborative Learning and Collective Intelligence. Join Dr. Gary Woodill as he presents his understanding of both collaborative learning and collective intelligence, as well as how they work together to make smarter organizations. 

They’re free but preregistration is required.  Check out more details here:  http://www.brandon-hall.com/webinars/webinars.shtml