Free T&D Webinars for December 2014

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There’s nothing like a cold snap to remind you the year is rushing to its conclusion. Are you on track to meet your business goals? Are you ready to wrap up the year? This is a great time to examine where the gaps might be and seek out some new learning to get you ready to finish 2014 in stride. Check out one of the free webinars being offered this month. We hope they will inspire and motivate you.

Monday, December 1, 2014, 6AM – 7AM PST: BEST Webcast Series: WNS—Business Goals and L&D Initiatives(Free for ATD members)

In a global business environment, growth, profitability, agility, and sustainability are recognized as the key focus areas in organizations. Today, learning and development (L&D) initiatives are evaluated based on the business value they drive to the organization. Today, there is a need to clearly define, measure, and communicate the impact and value of L&D, ensuring that there is better alignment between the business goals and L&D initiatives.

This webinar will explore the changing paradigms in learning evaluation and the ways in which L&D functions can establish relevancy for learning measurement. Using a case study, the speaker shares the journey of an L&D function that moved from dwelling on activity analysis to metrics that create business impact, where leadership-development investments are linked to building capabilities that can produce superior business results.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014, 10AM – 12PM PST: Meet LOLA (Live Online Learning Activities) with Thiagi and Tracy

Training webinars have replaced Death by PowerPoint as the most B-O-R-I-N-G instructional technique. In this walk-the-talk webinar, Thiagi Thiagarajan and Tracy Tagliati share an interactive approach called LOLAs (Live Online Learning Activities) for improving and increasing the level of engagement and effectiveness of virtual classrooms. LOLAs were field-tested several times last year at the Training Magazine Network webinars. They are now ready for you to adopt and adapt them to suit your training needs and objectives.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014, 11AM – 12PM PST: Leading Strategic Innovation at All Levels of the Organization (Free for ATD members)

Expand the minds of everyone in your organization to conceive and successfully execute innovative strategies. Based on his forthcoming book, Rock Your Industry: Lead Waves of Innovation While the Competition Makes Ripples, Jim Bandrowski will present his revolutionary yet practical Wave Thinking process. At the heart of this process is the single factor that distinguishes good leaders from great innovators. It integrates with existing leadership models, and can increase the results of your action learning initiatives.

This webcast will help you to:

  • Understand the core competency of great leaders and innovators.

  • Learn a step-by-step process every team can use to conceive and implement game-changing strategies.

  • Amplify your team’s creative thinking to identify and solve the problem of unmet market and organizational needs.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST:Developing Leadership Agility for an "All of the Above" World

What's your biggest leadership challenge? Engaging employees? Preparing emerging leaders to step up? Building high-performance teams? Developing a leadership mindset across the organization? If you're like most training leaders today, the answer is "all of the above." The good news is, you and your leaders already have the best tool for navigating an "all of the above" world—the brain. You just need to know how to consciously shift your thinking when the situation requires it. Learn how to do it in this interactive webinar!

Drawing on current engagement studies and more than 30 years of research on thinking, learning, and the brain, this session will demonstrate an easy-to-apply model for building your own thinking agility and developing leaders at all levels who know how to make their thinking work for them when they're being pulled in every direction at once. Discover how a foundation of thinking makes leadership agility a tangible and achievable goal, one that will deliver the engagement, performance, and strategic results every organization needs to thrive in an "all of the above" world.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST: How to Use Coaching to Make Training Stick (Free for ATD members)

The unfortunate truth is that many training and development programs don’t “stick.” Even if the classroom instruction is outstanding, what’s taught often doesn’t translate to improved performance on the job. For people to turn what they’ve learned into positive work habits, the brain has to “rewire” itself for the new skill. That means applying it repeatedly on the job. And because of the pace and stress of a typical workplace, it’s hard to get this kind of reinforcement without support. Along the way they need tips, reminders, encouragement, feedback, and accountability—in other words, coaching to stay on track. But there’s a problem: it’s not economically feasible for organizations to hire a coach for every person who participates in a learning program.

In this webcast, you’ll learn about a cost-effective solution to this conundrum: helping people who care about the learner’s success find out how to serve as “support coaches.” By offering encouragement, feedback, and accountability, these individuals can play a critical role to help participants stay on track and apply what they learn.

Attendees will get complimentary access to nine videos and an e-book on “Support Coaching” that they can share with others in their organization.


Thursday, December 4, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST: Gamify your eLearning! 6 Ways to Incorporate Gamification into eLearning

Gamification has emerged as a significant trend in the field of learning and development in the past few years. By gamifying learning, you can harness the power of what people inherently love to do—have fun. But what is gamification and how can it be used effectively to motivate and engage learners?

Co-hosted by Paula Yunker, Managing Partner of Limestone Learning, with 30+ years of instructional design experience, this webinar will explore what gamification is and how gamification can be used to create more meaningful, engaging, and interactive eLearning experiences. You'll learn how you can create eLearning courses using principles of gamification that fit with your budget and learn how organizations have successfully used gamification. In this webinar you will learn:

  • What gamification really is.

  • The difference between learning games and gamification.

  • Using gamification to engage learners.

  • Getting started with gamification—what you need to know.

  • Six ways to incorporate elements of gamification regardless of your budget.

  • Successful examples of gamification in learning.

Thursday, December 4, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST: The Ideal Training & Coaching Culture for 2015: Are You Ready?

This webinar is dedicated to teaching how organizations can gain a competitive edge in the marketplace using coaching. Learn how to educate employees and managers about their responsibility for coaching. Learn how training staff get managers engaged and have a dialogue that facilitates manager involvement for coaching.

During this webinar you will learn:

  • Why coaching is the # 1 missing aspect of training.

  • 4 new coaching methods that require very little manager time.

  • A coaching method that prompts training to partner with management to deliver coaching.

  • How to use stories to amplify the power of your coaching.

  • Why managers really do NOT want to coach and how to have a dialogue to change their mind without them knowing

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Thursday, December 4, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST: Sharpen Your Mind Muscle and Think Like an Extraordinary Leader(Free for ATD members)

As a leader, your thinking has a greater impact on your team and your business results than any other factor. Examining and sharpening your thinking is vital for attaining the outstanding levels of success that you desire. This process requires you to deliberately build the muscle that keeps you moving toward your goals by understanding how your thinking can propel you forward or hold you back.

In this interactive webcast, you will begin to see and capture how your thinking is affecting your outcomes and learn how to stretch your mind muscle. You will challenge your self-imposed limitations to reflect the thinking and practices of today’s most accomplished leaders, and walk away equipped with the seven most important strategies for overcoming your biggest leadership obstacles.

Come prepared to be challenged! You’re guaranteed to see the world through a new lens—the lens of an extraordinary leader!

Friday, December 5, 2014, 8AM – 9AM PST: Overcoming Barriers to Build an Engagement Culture(Free for ATD members)

Employee engagement is the new buzzword in organizational development. Everyone seems to be talking about employee engagement and telling you why it is important. But no one tells you that it is not easy and that there are inherent organizational barriers that, if unaddressed, might derail your engagement efforts.

This webinar offers you practical advice for overcoming the barriers to building an engagement culture. After attending this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the barriers to engagement.

  • Explain how to overcome the barriers.

  • Implement a plan to overcome organizational barriers.

Friday, December 5, 11AM – 12PM PST: Tips and Tricks to Improve Memory(Free for ATD members)

Have you ever had trouble remembering a name or something you recently read? A widely held belief is that the more often information is repeated, the better it will be remembered. However, past research has shown that the use of good learning strategies is the key to effective learning. In the last 20 years, there has been an explosion of research on cognitive functioning and memory. In this webinar, Alice Kim will present some of the main findings, and share some tips and tricks to improve your knowledge retention.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Techniques to improve your knowledge comprehension, leading to better learning.

  • Tools to encode information more effectively.

  • The importance of organizing your time.

  • Tricks to improve your ability to retrieve learned information.

Monday, December 8, 2014, 12PM – 1PM PST: Developing Sales Managers: Activating Sales Performance through Learning(Free for ATD members)

In this webcast, we will present results from ATD’s new research on whether sales managers are sufficiently equipped to handle their responsibilities, including managing and developing sales representatives and meeting unit productivity goals. This webcast also looks at the lack of training programs directed specifically at incoming sales managers, and will provide insights on how learning leaders can develop and sustain successful sales manager training programs.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 7AM – 8AM PST: Successful Global Training(Free for ATD members)

The webcast will begin with a fun quiz to assess how you would handle training and consultancy assignments in a variety of different countries. We will then explore the challenges faced by talent development (TD) professionals when working with cultures whose ways of learning and leading are different than your own. You will discover strategies that can be effective when dealing with cultural differences in leadership, group collaboration, and communication styles.

This session will examine the best and appropriate approaches to designing and delivering training programs in a variety of national and global environments. Finally, we will describe the 10 skills and attributes of successful global TD professionals.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST: Broadcasting Happiness; Fueling Success through Positive Engagement

Effective, positive communication is the single biggest driver of success for business teams. New research in the fields of neuroscience and positive psychology is showing the incredible ripple effect positive communication can have on employee engagement, productivity, and happiness at work.

Attend this session to learn:

  • The latest research on how to train the brain to be more successful.

  • Top behaviours of charismatic leaders and how that predicts their success.

  • Communication strategies that have been shown to decrease stress by 23 percent, increase productivity by 31 percent, and boost sales by 37 percent.

  • Case studies from Fortune 500 companies on ways to create a positive culture at work.

  • The top scientifically proven way to deal with a chronically negative person at the office.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST: Learning and Performance through Peer Coaching

It’s well understood in the field of learning and development that 70 percent of learning is informal, on the job, and experience-based; 20 percent is coaching and mentoring; and 10 percent is comprised of formal learning interventions and structured courses. But what does this mean in practice?

This session will showcase a peer-coaching leadership-development methodology that builds community, stimulates exchange of perspectives, and encourages team cohesion. It is an innovative adaptation of the 70/20/10 approach to leadership development and organizational transformation. The use of this peer-coaching methodology uses practical tools to explore a wide range of topics. You will:

  • Learn about the application of social and informal learning (70/20/10) for management and organizational development, and gain insight into leveraging the framework in your organization.

  • Learn about the impact of using the methodology developed by CoachingOurselves through hands-on review of select case studies.

  • Understand the lessons learned when developing and deploying peer-coaching solutions.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST: What Drives Your Leaders in a VUCA World?(Free for ATD members)

Volatility. Uncertainty. Complexity. Ambiguity. (VUCA.) These four words accurately sum up today's business climate. The question is, how well-equipped are leaders to succeed in this new environment, and what are organizations doing—or failing to do—to prepare them?

This highly interactive session will answer the following questions and more:

  • How can HR step up its game when it comes to its role in business?

  • How do you create a successful high-potential program?

  • Is 70/20/10 myth or fact? Where do successful leaders actually spend their time learning?

Explore findings from the new DDI Global Leadership Forecast 2014/ 2015 study, conducted in partnership with The Conference Board and ATD.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST: How to Convert SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) into Believers in Shorter, Faster, and Engaging Lessons

How often do you hear trainers, designers, and eLearning developers complain about their SMEs?

"If only these SMEs will allow me to ... (fill in the blank)!"— is a common complaint.

As learning professionals— designers, trainers, writers, and leaders— we are far from the source of the content. SMEs often hand us down long PowerPoint slides with the marching order: "TRAIN THE LEARNERS ON ALL CONTENT."

This is most frustrating for many of us.

"Sometimes I feel it is demeaning for our profession to simply shove down the learners' throats what SMEs force us to do"— complains a designer.

The challenge, however, is that we, too, may not have strived to propose alternatives to SMEs. So, these SMEs continue to do what they have learned for generations.

In this webinar, you will gain insight into applying two turnaround techniques: The Reductionist Approach and The Business Sense Discovery Process. These techniques help reduce the quantity of content and focus the lessons on immediate business concerns.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 11AM – 12PM PST: Bootcamps Just Won't Cut It: Rethinking the Onboarding Process

The sales rep onboarding process for many companies just won't cut it anymore. Reps not only need to move from new hire to full-capacity selling faster, but also require more extensive and nuanced training wherever they are, on an ongoing basis. 

Join sales industry veterans Kyle Uebelhor, Alexander Group, and Wendy Goeckel, Brainshark, as they discuss their Sales Rep Development process and how to get new sales reps ramped up quickly, with the right training, information, and resources, and selling at maximum capacity.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 11AM – 12PM PST: How Video Supports Behavioral Change and Increased Retention(Free for ATD members)

In this webcast KZO Innovations invites learning expert Art Kohn to describe how video is changing the way people learn. Art is deeply focused on increasing retention when it comes to learning and changing behaviour when it comes to performance. Listen in to hear Art discuss how video can help support the way you learn and perform. In this webinar you will:

  • Discover how video heightens our ability to learn and apply learning.

  • Find out how to create an integrated learning experience with video that changes the way you retain information and behave.

  • Learn how to use video to sustain the benefits of training.


Thursday, December 11, 2014, 10AM – 11:30AM PST: Excellence in Technology Awards Announced

Join Brandon Hall Group executives as they announce the winners of the coveted 2014 Excellence in Technology Awards in a live web event!

Award winners announced here will also be honoured and featured in a Jan. 29 ceremony at Brandon Hall Group’s HCM Excellence 2015 Conference in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Technology award winners will be announced in 49 categories within five categories: Learning and Development, Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, HR/Workforce Management, and Sales Enablement.

Multiple award-winners from 2013 included Cornerstone on Demand, Dell, DuPont Sustainable Solutions, TTN Learning, NetDimensions, Ancile, Blatant Media, Bloomfire, Knowledge Platform, iSpring, and Interactyx.

Thursday, December 11, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST: Using Kirkpatrick® to Move Beyond Training Order-Taking – Part 2: An Interactive Discussion

Do you feel like the order-taker in the training drive-thru lane? If so, join thousands of other training professionals who can relate to this feeling. In the sold-out Part 1 of this program (recorded in June 2014), Jim and Wendy explored tactics for creating more meaningful communication with training requesters to maximize the performance and results that the training is intended to support.

The popularity of the first session prompted the development of this all-new sequel. During this interactive discussion, you will learn from other training professionals who have successfully built partnerships with the business professionals they support. You will then vote on your biggest partnership challenges, and the most often-cited issue will be used as the basis of chat-based discussions to brainstorm tactical solutions and ideas.

Jim and Wendy will bring back their humorous yet realistic role play that illustrates how these critical conversations between training and the business often unfold, and how to keep them on track. The session will close with practical steps you can take to increase your own level of partnership with the business, regardless of the current situation.

Thursday, December 11, 2014, 11AM – 12PM PST: BEST Webcast Series: Verizon's Innovative Mobile Technology for Learning and Performance Support(Free for ATD members)

Verizon’s L&D team built innovative mobile technology solutions to optimize the learning and performance support experience and meet the unique needs of its learner base.

Through live tool demonstrations, Verizon aims to inspire your mobile technology vision and provide tactical advice on:

  • Moving to digital instructor-led materials.

  • Using interactive digital participant material in the classroom.

  • Creating your own custom, interactive, just-in-time learning and performance-support tools built on mobile platforms.

Friday, December 12, 2014, 8AM – 9AM PST: Career Empowerment: Change, Reinvent, or Advance Your Training Career(Free for ATD members)

Have you ever felt like you had very little control in your career? Have you ever wished that you had more choices, more opportunities, and a bigger influence over the direction of your career?

In today’s changing environment, taking control of your own career is more important than ever. During this webcast, you will learn how to think and act more proactively in your career by showcasing your strengths and successes, building your influence and credibility with senior leaders, and stopping yourself from making the #1 biggest career mistake trainers are making.

Leading Career Coach and award-winning author Sherri Thomas will share personal stories, case studies, and insights from her acclaimed books, Career Smart – 5 Steps to a Powerful Personal Brand and The Bounce Back – Stories and Strategies to Bounce Back Higher and Faster after a Layoff, Re-org or Career Setback. Join this exclusive one-time webcast to learn how to reset your career bar, identify “the right” opportunities, and step into a more meaningful, purposeful, and rewarding career.


Friday, December 12, 2014,10AM – 11AM PST: Communication Skills Training(Free for ATD members)

Communication Skills Training offers the crucial tools you’ll need to help your workshop participants master the skills that drive performance. Derived from the first book in the ATD Workshop Series, this webcast offers practical, road-tested strategies and tactics for use at all levels of your organization.

Friday, December 12, 2014,10AM – 11AM PST: Four of the Coolest Adobe Captivate Tips on the Planet ... in Depth!

Joe Ganci will be presenting his very popular and always updated session, The Coolest Adobe Captivate Tips on the Planet, at Training 2015. There he will talk about more than 25 great tips to enhance your instructional design using Adobe Captivate. This is not only a sneak peek to Joe's session at the conference but a chance to see Joe go in-depth on four of his most popular tips, directly in Captivate. This is not a PowerPoint presentation; it's a demonstration using the tool. You don't need to know Captivate to attend this session, but if you do, all the better! Joe will also set aside some time to answer your questions. Don't miss this!

Monday, December 15, 2014, 8AM – 9 PST: Build Your Skills, Boost Your Career(Free for ATD members)

“My experience earning the CPLP certification was perhaps one of the most influential moments of my career. CPLP helped with my education, my consulting skills, and ultimately elevated my confidence. Today, I am able to provide strategic solutions that are laser-focused and maximize ROI.” – Phillip Tanzilo, CPLP since 2007

Join Certified Professionals in Learning and Performance (CPLP) credential holders, Lara Loucks and Phillip Tanzilo, as they share their own stories about their CPLP journeys, and the personal and professional benefits that come with being certified. By the close of this interactive and engaging session you will be able to:

  • List the three major components of the CPLP certification testing process.

  • Identify how CPLP certification can boost your career.

  • Determine if the CPLP certification program is right for you, and your next steps.

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Monday, December 15, 2014, 11AM – 12PM PST: Game Changer: How Video Role Play Will Reshape Training(Free for ATD members)

The proliferation of web cams, video, and affordable cloud-based storage are about to reshape learning. Trainers are now able to assess the skills of their team anytime, anywhere, using video role play. Darik Volpa, CEO of Rehearsal VRP, provides a deeper dive into this new technology and shares key metrics and experiences from existing clients.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How emerging technology is used in video role play.

  • Best practices that make role playing effective.

  • About companies that have adopted this technology.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 11AM – 12PM PST: What's So Different about Leading Remote Teams?(Free for ATD members)

The fastest-growing segment of the learning industry is “remote management.” Leading virtual and remote teams is a way of life today. Yet many organizations are still struggling to develop the skills needed to manage teams and projects when people are separated by time, space, and language.

Join internationally known writers and speakers Kevin Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel for a look at the skills leaders need to successfully manage remote teams. If you lead remote teams, or are responsible for developing the skills of your remote leaders, this webcast is for you.

You will learn:

  • What leadership traits help managers excel over distance.

  • How technology helps or hinders that effort.

  • Tips for getting people to use the tools effectively.

  • An action plan to take back to work.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 10AM – 11AM PST: Building a Learning and Performance Ecosystem: Strategy, Technology, and Impact

The approaches available to support learning and performance expand each year. A wide variety of options are available to us including formal, informal, mobile, social, immersive, performance support, and more. Yet we often approach our learning programs as independent, “one-off” solutions. We need to move to a more integrated learning strategy based on a more holistic framework—a learning and performance ecosystem.

This session focuses on how to plan and assemble a learning and performance ecosystem that supports your organizational strategy. You’ll explore the ecosystem from the perspective of performance and look at the processes and technologies needed to support it. You’ll discuss how to align the ecosystem with your organization’s strategy and develop sponsorship to provide greater impact on the performance of your organization and its customers. This session will expand on some of the concepts presented in the new eLearning Guild white paper, Learning and Performance Ecosystems: Strategy, Technology, Impact, and Challenges, and you’ll learn about some key findings from the upcoming eLearning Guild Research Report on learning and performance ecosystems.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 11AM – 12PM PST: TD: Finders Keepers(ATD subscriber content)

Rather than review the same old talent development trends, this webcast will focus on a cluster of trends related to one of the biggest sources of corporate angst: finding and keeping good talent and developing them to serve the corporate purpose.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 11AM – 12PM PST: Get Ready for 2015: The Top 6 Talent Management Actions You Need to Take

Six mandates in talent management are at the centre of human capital reinvention.

These six high priorities, sustaining employee engagement, developing high-potential leaders, managing & learning development, retaining premier talent, recruiting hard-to-find skills in leaders and employees, and creating career-path opportunities, are influenced by other factors, but each requires its own specific plan and roadmap.

Your organization might be fully optimized in one critical area and deficient in another, or moving steadily from reactive to proactive across the board.

No matter where you are, attend this webinar to start planning how to progress toward high-impact talent management effectiveness.

Thursday, December 18, 2014, 9AM – 10AM PST: State of the Industry(Free for ATD members)

Laurie Miller, director of Research Services at ATD, and David Frankel, research specialist, will discuss benchmarking data from ATD BEST Awards Winners, and other organizations from 2006 to present. ATD estimates that U.S. organizations spent $1,208 per employee on training and development in 2013. The content from this webcast is drawn from ATD's 2014  State of the Industry report, which is sponsored by Skillsoft and the Ken Blanchard Companies.

Friday, December 19, 2014, 11AM – 12PM PST: Tips & Tricks: Using Agile Methodology In Instructional Design(Free for ATD members)

The Agile methodology helps project managers respond to rapidly changing business requirements that can shift even before a project is complete. It guides you to better target the deliverables required to meet a project’s goals, fine-tuning as necessary. A form of Agile, the Lot Like Agile Methods Approach (LLAMA), is designed specifically for instructional projects.

In this webcast, you will learn to:

  • Identify business goals that will help you align your project.

  • Leverage the LLAMA approach to define the scope of a project.

  • Select a primary learner persona (PLP) for your project.

  • Break your project into easy-to-manage tasks.

  • Use iterative development to refine a project’s deliverables.